Supported Startups
Patents Filed
Employment Generated
Events Conducted
Winner of the National Award for Technology Business Incubator 2020, iCreate is India’s leading institution for transforming startups based on tech innovation into successful businesses. Started in 2012, iCreate is supported by the Government of Gujarat as well as the Government of India to facilitate ‘Next Generation Entrepreneurship’. This is not just in terms of encouraging technology startups, but also in empowering the Indian youth. It will lead to more youth pursuing their own dreams and converting them into successful ventures, instead of merely news seeking jobs.
Our ecosystem can be defined as an enabling environment that startups need, and it comprises key stakeholders such as corporates, government, investors and institutional partners. iCreate conducts international accelerator programmes which are aimed at getting world class innovation to address some of the big challenges faced by India. This could be through collaboration with leading institutions abroad, and exploring synergies between their startups and Indian industry. A good example of this is iCreate’s partnership with Israel’s Start-Up Nation Central (SNC), which resulted in the India Israel Innovation Accelerator (i3A). Going forward, international collaboration could also be with the intent of jointly exploring global markets.
We follow what we call a ‘High-touch, Entrepreneur-first’ approach. This approach represents our philosophy as well as our differentiator.
We recognize that vision, governance and execution, all play an important role in an institution’s success. Which is why we have put in place a robust, multi-tiered structure consisting of:
We follow what we call a ‘High-touch, Entrepreneur-first’ approach. ‘High-touch’ means we have dedicated startup lifecycle coaches who work with our startups, throughout the incubation process. ‘Entrepreneur-first’ means that we bet on an individual’s/team’s potential, rather than a specific idea.
We understand that the best-laid plans do not always work out, so we support pivoting till a sustainable model is evolved. To enable the two components of our approach to come together seamlessly, we have designed a Startup Life Cycle Management process for efficient project selection and support. We provide a culture that stimulates independent thinking and does not stigmatise failure.
Changing the environment to reiterate the need and importance of quick and reliable technology solutions in accordance with local needs